
As you may have guessed from the site’s URL, my name is Ross Harper.

This is just a place for me to dump some random ramblings about hobbies, photography stuff, projects etc. I’m not very good at keeping it up to date.

I hope you find something either useful or interesting here. If not, I’m sorry for wasting your time!

Now, the boring, yet necessary, stuff…


This is a personal website that is funded entirely by myself. There is currently no advertising or sponsorship associated with the website or its content. If I mention, talk about, link to, review, mock, deride, or praise any products, services or websites it is simply because I have either used them, love them, loathe them, recommend them, or was simply interested/disgusted/humoured by them. If I ever am lucky enough to receive some free stuff and/or get asked to do reviews etc, I’ll say so. My opinions may or may not be shared by others. I may even be wrong. My advice: don&’t take my word for it; do your own research too!

All content, images, photographs, and text on this website are, unless explicitly specified otherwise, copyrighted. That means don’t rip-off my stuff. You may notice that many of my images are hosted at Flickr, and so when linking to these, please follow Flickr’s guidelines. If you wish to discuss the use/licensing of my images, please contact me using the form below.

I may, from time to time, link to and include quotes / images from other websites. I will endeavour to respect copyright and mention/credit sources where applicable. If you find your content here and are unhappy with the way it has been included, please contact me.


I can be found on Twitter as @rossharper